
The contents of this Checklist section are available as an eBook.

Taking a story from inspiration to best seller is… well… almost impossible. One in five billion story ideas become best-selling novels. Maybe it is fifty billion, or even a zillion. Despite this, you can write your novel and have it offered for sale in a matter of months. Better still, you can do this for FREE. Zero cost aside from your time and computer/Internet access. How many of these books you sell is outside of this process. Since it can be done for free, you can recoup one hundred percent of the cost. Every net sale could be one hundred percent profit. This may only be pennies. The hundreds of hours you spend may be paid back at pennies per hour. Whether that is worth your time and effort is up to you. All I offer is the path to get there.

There are four steps to publishing a novel. Each step can take widely different paths to the next, but the result will be the same.Each step can be done alone or with many peoples’ help. The best thing you can do is focus on the current step and leave future steps for the future.

  • Creation results in a story
  • Revision results in a complete, coherent story
  • Finalization results in a salable story
  • Publishing results in a story for sale

The fifth step – Marketing – is selling it, and that is rarely free, rarely easy, and rarely profitable. It is dependent on your talent, your timing, even your personality can be a factor. I will give you options, but this step lacks the relatively concrete progression that will lead to a successful result.